Assessing the Schools Bill: pass or fail?
10 February 2025, 6:00 pm – 7:30 pm
Location: Old Queen Street Cafe, 6 Old Queen St, London SW1H 9HP
Think tank: Centre for Policy Studies

This event hosted by UK think tank the Centre for Policy Studies will discuss the implications of the Schools Bill for children, parents and teachers.
Labour’s Schools Bill claims to be designed to raise educational standards and improve the safeguarding of children — but will it instead reverse the progress made under previous governments? Since the publication of the Bill, widespread concern has been raised about its impact on the academy system, with serious implications for children’s performance, teacher pay, and pathways into teaching to say nothing of other educational freedoms Labour intends to roll back.
To discuss the implications for children, parents, and teachers, the Centre for Policy Studies is pleased to welcome a panel of experts including Sir Daniel Moynihan, CEO – Harris Federation, Meg Powell-Chandler, Director – New Schools Network and Mark Lehain, Executive Headteacher – Wootton Academy Trust.
The discussion will take place at Old Queen St Café on Monday 10th February with doors opening at 18.00 for 18.15. Refreshments will be available for guests to enjoy.