
Fostering democratic innovations in Wales: Lessons from around the world

4 March 2025, 11:00 am – 12:00 pm

Location: Online

Think tank: Institute of Welsh Affairs

This event hosted by UK think tank the Institute of Welsh Affairs explores the potential of democratic innovations for improving the health of Welsh democracy.

Join us as we launch our latest report and explore the potential of democratic innovations for improving the health of Welsh democracy.

Fostering Democratic Innovations in Wales: Lessons From Around the World

Democracy in Wales is not in good health. Turnout in elections is low, as is knowledge of how democratic government works and trust in politics and politicians. Most people in Wales feel unable to influence the political decisions that impact their daily lives. There is a general sense that life is not getting any better or easier.

These challenges are not unique to Wales: similar trends can be observed around the world. In response, there is a growing interest in finding ways of doing democracy differently, and a lot of attention has focused on so-called ‘democratic innovations’ – activities that aim to deepen the role of citizens in democratic politics beyond the conventional acts of voting in elections and responding to consultations. They aim to empower citizens to shape the societies they live in through participation and deliberation in decision-making.

Join us for the launch of our latest report, produced in partnership with Aberystwyth University and the Centre for Welsh Politics and Society, exploring the potential of democratic innovations for improving the health of Welsh democracy.

Lead report author Dr Anwen Elias will be in conversation with IWA Co-Director Joe Rossiter to present key findings of the report, including:

  • Explaining what democratic innovations are, and how they add value to democratic politics;
  • Identifying good practice in the design and delivery of democratic innovations;
  • Identifying ways to foster a more innovative Welsh democracy.

There will also be time for audience questions.

The report is part of the IWA’s wider programme on ‘Fostering understanding and participation in Wales’ ongoing constitutional discussion,’ supported by the Legal Education Foundation.