
How can the new government’s industrial strategy help boost productivity?

18 September 2024, 5:30 pm – 6:30 pm

Location: Online / Institute for Government, 2 Carlton Gardens, London SW1Y 5AA

Think tank: Institute for Government

This event hosted by UK think tank the Institute for Government will explore the relationship between growth and industrial strategy.

The UK’s productivity record since the financial crisis has been dismal. In the long term, the country cannot become more prosperous and afford the public services it needs without reversing this trend. 

The new Labour government has committed to boosting growth as one of its five missions for government and set out its intention to put industrial strategy at the heart of its policy making. But how can industrial strategy help to restore productivity growth? This event will explore the relationship between growth and industrial strategy.


Dame Kate Barker – Chair of The Productivity Institute

Greg Clark – former Secretary of State for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy

Giles Wilkes – Senior Fellow at the Institute for Government

This event will be chaired by  Gemma Tetlow – Chief Economist at the Institute for Government.

Some of the questions this event will address are:

  • How can industrial strategy help address the causes of low productivity?
  • Should an industrial strategy pick sectors to support and how can success be evaluated?
  • Who will ultimately be responsible for the Industrial Strategy and how will the Government co-ordinate the different perspectives?