
The West Midlands Regional Economic Development Institute (WMREDI) Celebration Event

10 October 2024, 8:30 am – 11:00 am

Location: Assembly Room at The Exchange, 3 Centenary Square, Birmingham B1 2DR

Think tank: City-REDI

This event hosted by UK think tank City-REDI is a culmination of the key achievements and learning from the WMREDI collaboration. 

  • Breakfast: 8.30am –  9.00am. 
  • Celebration Event: 9.00 – 10.30am. 
  • Networking Opportunity: 10.30 – 11.00am.

The WMREDI Celebration Event is a culmination of the key achievements and learning from the WMREDI collaboration. 

The WMREDI programme was established in response to research priorities and built on a shared vision with our regional partners. The programme supported a portfolio of research projects designed to support inclusive growth, civic and economic benefits of university research, place-based policymaking and knowledge exchange in the region. At this event, we will be launching a report that captures the key activities, and outcomes from the WMREDI projects.

The format of the event includes opening keynote speakers, followed by a panel of WMREDI partners who will describe and discuss the difference that WMREDI has made to the region and answer questions submitted by the audience.

This Celebration Event will signify the launch of the WMREDI Report, which will assimilate WMREDI’s insightful and innovative journey and future City-REDI plans.

If I may request invitees to reply by 6th September, due to the catering arrangements for this event, that would be much appreciated.

For any questions regarding the event, please contact [email protected]