What can the UK learn from planning reforms abroad?
17 September 2024, 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm
Location: Online
Think tank: Centre for Cities
This event hosted by UK think tank Centre for Cities discusses what the UK can learn from places with zoning-based planning systems.
The new Labour government has placed housing delivery at the heart of its economic growth strategy, with plans to set out new mandatory housing targets for every council in England. This starts with reforming the current planning system to support more housebuilding, but what does this look like in practice?
Join Centre for Cities and planning experts from the USA and New Zealand to discuss what the UK can learn from places with zoning-based planning systems, and what a zoning system for the UK might look like.
Stu Donovan – Senior Fellow, Motu Research
Jenny Schuetz – Senior Fellow, Brookings Metro
Ant Breach – Associate Director, Centre for Cities
Andrew Carter – Centre for Cities (Chair)