CEPEO is a policy-focused academic research centre at University College London. We carry out rigorous and cutting-edge research focused on equalising opportunities across the life course. Our work seeks ways to inform evidence-led policy and wider practice to achieve this goal.

The UK is one of the most unequal countries in the developed world, in terms of outcomes and opportunities. Our multidisciplinary work seeks ways to reduce these inequalities. We identify barriers to opportunity in under-explored areas, using innovative methods and thinking, and co-produce evidence-led policy solutions to reduce these barriers to opportunities. We offer insight and impact at every stage of the life course, through the centre’s four main research streams: early years, schools, tertiary, and adulthood.

To achieve these aims, we use a variety of approaches. We research previously unanswerable questions, through innovative data collection and analysis. We design, implement, and analyse randomised controlled trials (RCTs). We also address novel questions in under-researched areas using existing large-scale data from administrative sources, and from rich birth cohort studies.

Along with partners at the UCL Centre for Longitudinal Studies and the Sutton Trust, CEPEO leads the COVID Social Mobility & Opportunities study (COSMO), which tracks the lives of a cohort of young people across England to understand the unequal effects of the pandemic on their education, well-being, and life chances. Understanding these unequal effects, and proposing policy to mitigate them, based on analysis of data from COSMO, is an important strand of our research, given the large and long-lasting effects of this major event.

As well as academic publications, CEPEO produces policy-focussed briefings on our research and related topics, providing timely summaries of the state of the evidence on crucial topics in education policy and related areas.

Latest reports

The mismatch earnings penalty

This report from UK think tank CEPEO disentangles the relationship between student ability, course quality and the match between the two on earnings. We disentangle the relationship between student ability, course quality and the match between the two on earnings, estimating the first mismatch parameter in the literature. Using administrative data on all state-educated students...

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Decomposition and recomposition in teacher education

This report from UK think tank CEPEO looks at decomposition and recomposition in teacher education. Breaking down sequences of teaching into constituent practices is thought to make learning to teach more manageable. However, it also divorces teaching practices from context, which risks leaving teachers unsure as to when or why to use a specific practice....

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Assortative mating and wealth inequality in Great Britain: evidence from the baby boomer and Gen X cohorts

This report from UK think tank CEPEO shows the nature of sorting behaviour across generations has important implications for wealth inequality now and in the future. We study partnership sorting by education, the profile of wealth accumulation and the implications for intra and intergenerational wealth inequality for two cohorts born in 1947-1953 and 1973-1979 using...

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Occupational hazard: Inequalities in labour market mismatch

This report from UK think tank CEPEO explores inequalities in labour market mismatch. In this paper we depart from traditional skills-based measures of occupational mismatch. Whereas skill-based measures are typically non-hierarchical, and involve comparing an individual's skills to those required by their occupation, we devise a new hierarchical method. Specifically, we create two continuous, measures...

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Young people’s subjective wellbeing in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic: evidence from a representative cohort study in England

This report from UK think tank CEPEO looks at young people's subjective wellbeing in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic. The COVID-19 pandemic and the disruption it has caused had substantial short-term effects on young people. These effects have been found to be highly unequal, exacerbating existing inequalities in society, including those associated with socio-economic...

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Higher Education funding: what’s the problem and what are the potential solutions?

This report from UK think tank CEPEO looks at the problem with higher education funding and the potential solutions. England's once world-leading Higher Education (HE) system has become increasingly fragile over the last decade, with students suffering from real financial hardship, and some universities rumoured to be on the verge of collapse. Back in 2012,...

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Modelling evidence-based practice in initial teacher training

This report from UK think tank CEPEO looks at causal effects on teachers' skills, knowledge and self-efficacy. Teacher education/training often incorporates observable examples of focal teaching practices - models. Yet, there is little causal evidence on the benefits of models or how best to design them. We used a classroom simulator experiment to test the...

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Experimental education research: rethinking why, how and when to use random assignment

This report from UK think tank CEPEO looks at randomised experiments in experimental education research. Over the last twenty years, education researchers have increasingly conducted randomised experiments with the goal of informing the decisions of educators and policymakers. Such experiments have generally employed broad, consequential, standardised outcome measures in the hope that this would allow...

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Intergenerational educational mobility and the COVID-19 pandemic

This report from UK think tank CEPEO looks at the differential impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the labour market outcomes of graduate workers. We examine the differential impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the labour market outcomes of graduate workers by their family background. Specifically, we compare first in family (FiF) graduates, young people...

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Welfare reform: Employment, mental health and intrahousehold insurance

This report from UK think tank CEPEO looks at the impact of entering unemployment under UC compared to the former system. The UK Universal Credit (UC) welfare reform simplified the benefits system, combining six benefit applications into one, whilst creating strict incentives for full-time employment. Exploiting a staggered roll-out, we analyse the impact of entering...

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Using technology to get inside the black box of instructional coaching: a feasibility study

This report from UK think tank CEPEO looks at the effectiveness of instructional coaching as a form of teacher professional development. Instructional coaching has emerged as an effective form of teacher professional development. However, there is evidence of large variation in effectiveness between different coaches. What is it that differentiates more from less effective instructional...

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First generation elite: the role of school networks

This report from UK think tank CEPEO looks at how students from non-elite backgrounds are less likely to have peers with elite educated parents in Norway. High school students from non-elite backgrounds are less likely to have peers with elite educated parents than their elite counterparts in Norway. We show this difference in social capital...

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Why should we invest in Early Childhood Education and Care?

This report from UK think tank CEPEO looks at the large gaps in skills between children from different backgrounds by the time they start school. There are large gaps in skills between children from different backgrounds by the time they start school. For example, nationally representative data from the Millennium Cohort Study shows that less...

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Are some school inspectors more lenient than others?

This report from UK think tank CEPEO looks at consistency of school inspections, including how judgements vary across inspectors with different characteristics. School inspections are a common feature of education systems across the world. These involve trained professionals visiting schools and reaching a high-stakes judgement about the quality of education they provide. By their nature, school...

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Can maths apps add value to learning?

This report from UK think tank CEPEO looks at maths apps as an emerging trend in young children's learning environments aiming to raise attainment. Educational maths applications (apps) are an emerging trend in young children's learning environments aiming to raise attainment. The current systematic review aimed to thematically synthesise quantitative, qualitative, and mixed methods studies...

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