The King’s Fund

The King’s Fund is an independent charitable organisation working to improve health and care in England. Our vision is that the best possible health and care is available to all. We aim to be a catalyst for change and to inspire improvements in health and care by:

  • generating and sharing ideas and evidence
  • offering rigorous analysis and independent challenge
  • bringing people together to discuss, share and learn
  • supporting and developing people, teams and organisations
  • helping people to make sense of the health and care system.

Our work spans the breadth of health and care policy and practice, giving us a unique understanding of the strategic context for health and care now and in the future. We use this understanding to influence policy and practice and to help people navigate the complexity of the systems in which they operate.

Within this, our five-year strategy sets out three areas of focus where we believe we can maximise our impact. We work with people in the health and care system to:

  • drive improvements in health and wellbeing across places and communities
  • improve health and care for people with the worst health outcomes
  • support people and leaders working in health and care.

Underpinning all our work is our broad knowledge of the health and care system and the relationships we hold across the system. We use our independence to speak truth to power, providing independent analysis, explaining key issues and responding to developments across the complex and changing landscape of health and care.

Latest reports

People power: lessons from the health care response to the Grenfell Tower fire

This report from UK think tank The King's Fund records lessons from the health care response to the Grenfell Tower fire. The fire in Grenfell Tower in June 2017 was a preventable tragedy that claimed 72 lives. The event has had a devastating impact, not just in terms of the number of deaths but also...

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Changemakers or troublemakers: what do social care providers think of younger workers?

This report from UK think tank The King's Fund recommends that social care has a wider workforce that includes younger people within it. Social care has a problem with young people. In the overall economy, under-25s make up 11% of the workforce, and in some sectors younger people are the backbone of the workforce (around...

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Public satisfaction with the NHS and social care in 2023

This report from UK think tank The King's Fund discusses the results of the British social attitudes survey. The 2023 survey recorded the lowest levels of satisfaction since the survey began in 1983 – only 24% of the public are satisfied with the NHS, and only 13% are satisfied with social care. Despite low levels...

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Illustrating the relationship between poverty and NHS services

This report from UK think tank The King's Fund illustrates the relationship between poverty and NHS services. Currently it is estimated that more than one in five people in the UK are living in poverty. Living in poverty has a profound impact on people’s health and how they use NHS services. From greater prevalence of...

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Social Care 360

This report from UK think tank the King's Fund states that there is little to suggest that social care has turned a corner. 2022/23 saw a possible change to a recent trend in publicly funded adult social care. Since 2015/16, more people have been asking for social care support but fewer people have been getting...

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Making care closer to home a reality

This report from UK think tank the King's Fund sets out the wholesale shift in focus needed to bolster primary and community care. The health and care system in England must shift its focus away from hospital care to primary and community services if it is to be effective and sustainable. Despite successive governments repeating...

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Hospital discharge funds: experiences in winter 2022–23

This report from UK think tank The King's Fund looks at the experiences of hospital discharge funds during winter 2022-2023. Delayed discharges from hospital are a widespread and longstanding problem that can have a significant impact on both patients’ recovery and the efficiency and effectiveness of health and care services. In England, it has become...

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How does the NHS compare to the health systems of other countries?

This report from UK think tank the King's Fund reviewed the academic literature, analysed quantitative data on health system performance, and interviewed experts in comparative health policy. For our research, we reviewed the academic literature on previous attempts to compare health care systems, analysed quantitative data on health system performance, and interviewed experts in comparative...

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Actions to support partnership

This report from UK think tank The King's Fund looks at addressing barriers to working with the VCSE sector in integrated care systems. This report provides an overview of the key actions required to tackle barriers and challenges to better partnership working between integrated care systems (ICS) and the voluntary, community and social enterprise (VCSE)...

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The rise and decline of the NHS in England 2000–20

This report from UK think tank The King's Fund looks at how political failure led to the crisis in the NHS and social care. Multi-year funding increases and a series of reforms resulted in major improvements in NHS performance between 2000 and 2010, but performance has declined since 2010 as a result of much lower...

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Public satisfaction with the NHS and social care in 2022

This report from UK think tank The King's Fund looks at results from the British Social Attitudes survey. The National Centre for Social Research’s (NatCen’s) British Social Attitudes (BSA) survey has been conducted annually since 1983. Each year the survey asks people what it's like to live in Britain and what they think about how...

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Dying well at home

This report from UK think tank The King's Fund looks at commissioning quality end-of-life care. Increasingly people are dying at home rather than in hospital and this trend is set to continue. This raises questions about whether there are the right staff with the right skills to support people in their home at the end...

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Independent health care and the NHS

This report from UK think tank The King's Fund looks at the role of the independent sector in providing health care. Discussion around the role of the independent sector in providing health care often focuses on the ‘privatisation’ of the NHS. Private providers have always played a role in the NHS, and while there was...

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Strategies to reduce waiting times for elective care

This report from UK think tank The King's Fund looks at he strategies that have been used to reduce waiting times in England in the past 20 years. In the face of record high waiting times for elective care, we undertook research to understand the strategies that have been used to reduce waiting times in...

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NHS staffing shortages

This report from UK think tank The King's Fund looks at why politicians struggle to give the NHS the staff it needs. The workforce crisis has been a prominent issue for years, but there has been little concerted action from governments to tackle the challenge. For almost two decades now there has been no clear...

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Upcoming events

25 February 2025

Location: Online

Think tank: The King's Fund

Developing trusted and inclusive digital healthcare

This event hosted by UK think tank The King's Fund discusses the benefits of inclusive digital healthcare and the barriers and enablers of doing so. Join us for our virtual event to discuss findings from our upcoming long read on designing inclusive and trusted digital services with people and communities, commissioned by the Health Foundation....