Policy area: Employment


Change the prescription

This report from UK think tank the Centre for Social Justice explores what has driven the recent rise in the mental ill-health of our nation. Change the Prescription explores what has driven the recent rise in the mental ill-health of our nation. It contends that the prevailing medical model often fails to address the core...

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Unpaid and underpaid internships

This report from UK think tank The Sutton Trust provides an updated picture of the graduate internship market. Internships have grown to become a crucial part of the graduate job market. Offering graduates an invaluable opportunity to gain hands-on experience, develop key skills, and build their networks, they can be formative experiences for those trying...

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Saving apprenticeships

This report from UK think tank the Social Market Foundation outlines strategies for creating a skills system that adequately encourages genuine apprenticeships. In this report, Baroness Alison Wolf calls for the new Growth and Skills Levy to focus on young people, have greater local involvement, and distinguish between apprenticeships and workplace upskilling. The current system...

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A level of uncertainty

This report from UK think tank the Social Market Foundation puts forward a set of recommendations that prioritise the best interests of apprentices and taxpayers. Through the new ‘Growth and Skills Levy’, the government has signalled its desire to rebalance funding towards young people and entry-level training opportunities. While critics are keen to present the...

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Lonely Nation – Part 5

This report from UK think tank the Centre for Social Justice looks at tackling the human and economic costs of Britain's loneliness epidemic. Britain is a lonely nation. The government’s own statistics show that 2023/24 was the loneliest year on record. Polling for the CSJ reveals that nearly six in ten adults feel lonely most,...

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A hard day’s night

This report from UK think tank the Resolution Foundation provides the context for the Government’s ambitions to raise employment and drive up job quality. This report – part of our ‘Unsung Britan’ programme of work – provides the context for the Government’s ambitions to raise employment and drive up job quality. It describes the labour...

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Stemming the tide: Healthier jobs to tackle economic inactivity

This report from UK think tank the Work Foundation aims to provide policy direction for how Government and employers can work together to help retain more people. The new Government has set an ambitious target to raise the employment rate to 80% – which would represent an increase of approximately 2.4 million more people in...

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Bangladeshi, Black African and Pakistani households at higher risk of very deep, long-term poverty

This report from UK think tank the Joseph Rowntree Foundation explores the enhanced risk of persistent very deep poverty among Bangladeshi, Black African and Pakistani households. Bangladeshi, Black African and Pakistani families are up to 5 times more likely to be living in severe poverty for a long time compared to white families in the...

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French lessons for Britain’s economy

This report from UK think tank the Centre for European Reform finds that macro-economic forces have been crucial to the bigger productivity slowdown in Britain. Average wages in Britain are only slightly higher than they were in 2007. That extraordinary fact is down to extremely weak productivity growth after 2008. France, on the other hand,...

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Mind the disability employment gap

This report from UK think tank the Centre for Social Justice calls on the new government to ensure that the needs of disabled and sick people are at the heart of their plans to ‘get Britain working’. In 2021 the Centre for Social Justice published Now is the Time, a landmark report on disability in...

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From backwater to battleground

This report from UK think tank the Social Market Foundation examines the political importance of a joined-up immigration and skills policy in the UK. The new Labour government views the perceived dependence of some sectors of the UK economy on overseas workers as unsustainable and contrary to the national interest. Joined-up immigration and skills policy...

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From the frontline: Empowering staff to drive the NHS reform agenda

This report from UK think tank IPPR puts forward a new approach, based on ideas of democracy and decentralisation, as the way to achieve better decision-making throughout the NHS. The return on public investment has weakened since the pandemic; more money is not leading to many more patients being treated overall. At the same time,...

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Spending time: The role of the visitor economy in UK cities

This report from UK think tank Centre for Cities provides a comprehensive picture of domestic visitor spending across the UK. This report provides a comprehensive picture of domestic visitor spending across the UK’s 63 largest cities for the first time, and sets out the ‘visitor offer’ in each place and how that compares nationally.

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Get Britain’s stats working

This report from UK think tank the Resolution Foundation explores alternatives to Labour Force Survey estimates. The Government is soon to release its ‘Get Britain Working’ White Paper, which is expected to repeat the Government’s ambition to reach an 80 per cent employment rate. But this goal only highlights the fact that we currently do...

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Unlocking benefits: Tackling barriers for disabled people wanting to work

This report from UK think tank the Joseph Rowntree Foundation looks at tackling barriers for disabled people wanting to work. This report focuses on reforms to support disabled people who can work into the labour market. It proposes several reforms to work-related disability benefits and related employment support, informed by new joint research by JRF...

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Related Events

26 February 2025

Location: Online / Resolution Foundation, 2 Queen Anne's Gate , London SW1H 9AA

Think tank: Resolution Foundation

Tackling the scourge of modern Britain

This event hosted by UK think tank the Resolution Foundation will discuss the policies and investment needed to reduce child poverty. The new Government is currently preparing a child poverty strategy, and hoping to emulate the success of the last Labour government, which lifted over half a million children out of poverty over its first...

4 March 2025

Location: Online / Resolution Foundation, 2 Queen Anne's Gate , London SW1H 9AA

Think tank: Resolution Foundation

Unpredictable earnings

This event hosted by UK think tank the Resolution Foundation will discuss the volatility of pay packets and its impact on living standards. Most people are used to receiving regular monthly pay cheques, hopefully with the occasional bonus and an annual rise. But while this is often taken for granted, for other workers the size...

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How can we create a fit-for-purpose labour market?

Government must do more to tackle insecure work in the UK By Rebecca Florisson (The Work Foundation) The recent Queen’s speech indicated that the much-anticipated Employment Bill has again been delayed. This Bill could have played an important role in addressing severely insecure work. Proposals to improve job quality and security as set out in...

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The coronavirus crisis means we are facing huge changes and disruption in the labour market but what are these likely to be and who will be most affected by them? Covid-19 has accelerated change for workers already facing disruption By Josh Abey (Fabian Society) Covid-19 has pulled the rug from underneath millions of workers and...

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