A united nation
Think tank: Centre for Social Justice
Author(s): Sophia Worringer
September 1, 2024
This report from UK think tank the Centre for Social Justice looks at how to fix broken Britain and create a united nation.
‘A United Nation’ addresses the five priority areas identified in the CSJ Social Justice Commission’s recent ‘Two Nations’ report which laid out an unflinching review into the state of poverty in the UK. A United Nation’ sets out a suite of recommendations to make work pay, create safe streets, build stable communities, support fragile families, and champion the lost generation. The report’s recommendations include addressing the UK’s economic inactivity crisis by devolving responsibility for employment support and adult education from Whitehall to the regions.
The CSJ’s ‘Going Dutch’ report details this policy, drawing on the experience of the Netherlands which has successfully reduced economic inactivity three times more than in the UK. Other recommendations include: Increase the number of officers in Neighbourhood Policing back to 2017 levels, adding approximately 5,260 more officers across the country. Boost the supply of all types of homes and provide secure, appropriate, high-quality rented accommodation including in social homes that allows tenants to put down roots in the community. Introduce Family Credit, giving households more choice and flexibility when it comes to childcare options. Give every state-educated secondary school a Right to Sport of 2 hours of sport per week as part of an extended school day of up to five hours extra each week for enrichment activities provided by community groups.