
Actions to support partnership

Think tank: The King’s Fund

Author(s): Shilpa Ross; Helen Gilburt

April 27, 2023

This report from UK think tank The King’s Fund looks at addressing barriers to working with the VCSE sector in integrated care systems.

This report provides an overview of the key actions required to tackle barriers and challenges to better partnership working between integrated care systems (ICS) and the voluntary, community and social enterprise (VCSE) sector. It identifies ways of working that can help mitigate barriers and facilitate solutions, and systemic actions that can help embed and spread good practice. This independent report was commissioned by the NHS England Voluntary Partnerships Team. The report is supported by a resource, A framework for addressing practical barriers to integration of VCSE sector organisations (NHS England 2023). This resource includes examples of approaches that areas have adopted to address practical barriers and detailed case examples drawn from different ICSs.