
Building consent: housing by popular demand

Think tank: Localis

Author(s): Various authors

April 11, 2024

This report from UK think tank Localis sets out ideas for housing by popular demand in harmony with existing communities and in line with the contours of place.

The contributors to Localis’s essay collection set out ideas for a hope-filled future in which the new homes and developments our country needs might be built in harmony with existing communities and in line with the contours of place.

Our fourteen essays cover a lot of ground from diverse experiences and backgrounds, as planners, local politicians, policymakers and developers and covering contexts from the rural to the very urban, greenfield to brownfield.

What unites them is a need for planning that is well-resourced to deliver the quality of results and outcomes we want to see, strategic in scope to integrate at scale and engaging and empathetic enough to carry local populations with them.