CECIL: final report
Think tank: The Sutton Trust
Author(s): Janet Grauberg; Laura Barbour, Institute for Employment Studies
June 7, 2024
This report from UK think tank The Sutton Trust discusses the importance of coaching early conversations, interaction and language.
The Coaching Early Conversation Interaction and Language (CECIL) Project, which started in September 2020, has focused on exploring coaching-led approaches to support the effective implementation of early language interventions, especially in Private, Voluntary & Independent (PVI) settings. This focus on the PVI reflects the large number and increasing proportion of disadvantaged children receiving their early care and education in these settings (Stewart and Reader, 2021).
At the core of the CECIL approach is a way of thinking about continuing professional development (CPD) informed by the logic model (Sims and Moss, 2017) that in order to achieve the best outcomes for children, there is a need for skilled and knowledgeable practitioners which can not be achieved by training alone but requires coaching support to build motivation, confidence, knowledge and embed skills ensuring effective and sustained good practice.
The approach has been reinforced by the Guidance Report on Professional Development published by the Education Endowment Foundation (EEF), which stresses the importance of activities to embed practice (Collin and Smith, 2021).