
Climate-induced migration and modern slavery

Think tank: IIED

Author(s): Various Authors

September 20, 2021

This report from UK think tank IIED looks at recognising slavery as a mainstream policy issue alongside poverty and climate change.

Climate and development policymakers and planners urgently need to recognise that millions of people displaced by climate change are being, and will be, exposed to slavery in the coming decades. Recognising slavery as a mainstream policy issue alongside poverty and climate change will help to:

  • Develop understanding of the underlying drivers that push disadvantaged communities into slavery
  • Identify risky migration pathways that lead to exploitative work situations, and
  • Identify gaps in existing climate and development policies that leave communities facing climate crises exposed to slavery.

A clearer understanding of these drivers, pathways and gaps can strengthen existing development and climate policies and programmes to support anti-slavery efforts.