Lessons for preventing and countering violent extremism: an evidence-based approach
Think tank: RUSI
Author(s): Michael Jones; Claudia Wallner; Emily Winterbotham
September 7, 2021
This report from UK think tank RUSI looks at how to improve collating, assessing and strengthening efforts in countering extremism.
This Occasional Paper is part of RUSI’s Prevention Project, a multi-year effort to collate, assess and strengthen the existing knowledge base for preventing and countering violent extremism (P/CVE) interventions across different thematic and geographic areas. The research for this project found that the evidence base for programme efficacy remains limited, with little information sharing, weak monitoring and evaluation regimes, a reliance on the same relatively small cluster of case studies, and a general lack of longitudinal analysis hampering collective understandings of P/CVE outcomes.