Net zero: agenda 2022
Think tank: Institute for Government
Author(s): Jill Rutter; Tom Sasse
January 13, 2022
This report from UK think tank the Institute for Government presents the seven steps the government needs to take to maintain momentum on climate change.
The government’s response to the energy price crisis right will be critical to preserving political and public support for net zero policies. This report sets out seven steps the government needs to take – to ensure momentum on climate change is maintained in 2022 and to build on 2021’s ambitious net zero strategy. The first test the government faces is to show it can help households weather the immediate energy cost crisis without losing track of its net zero commitment. And it also needs to show how it can reconcile its net zero target with its other objectives of providing secure, affordable energy in the longer term. Failure to do this risks fueling discontent on its backbenches and undermining the cross-party political consensus on the need for action for climate change that has existed for 30 years. To maintain the momentum built in the run up to the Glasgow climate conference now COP26 is done, the government needs to: Manage the immediate cost-of-living crisis Fill in the gaps in its net zero strategy, including publishing the outstanding strategy for agriculture and land use Develop a net zero test to apply to spending and other policies to ensure net zero is properly embedded into government decision making Sort out governance on net zero by transforming the COP26 team into a standing net zero unit in the Cabinet Office Engage honestly with the public about the costs and benefits of its net zero strategy Publish an adaptation strategy covering all departments and sectors and review responsibilities to ensure adaptation has enough clout within government Use the remaining months of the UK’s COP presidency to make good the commitments made in Glasgow, and address uncertainty over its aid budget