
New biodiversity framework can learn from climate change experience

Think tank: IIED

Author(s): Ebony Holland; Paul Steele

May 12, 2021

This report from UK think tank the IIED looks at the ‘super year’ of meetings that will chart a decade of action to address threats to climate, nature and people.

Biodiversity loss is accelerating, while the global response lags behind. We failed to meet any of the previous 10-year targets for biodiversity conservations set under the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD). This places extra pressure on the post-2020 Global Biodiversity Framework (GBF), one of the key international frameworks being negotiated in 2021. This ‘super year’ of major meetings will chart a decade of action to address entwined threats to climate, nature and people, and will heavily influence our COVID-19 recovery. At the CBD COP15 this year, negotiators keen to drive a whole-of-society step-change in tackling the biodiversity crisis can take inspiration from the climate change agenda. This paper draws on lessons from UNFCCC processes and outcomes to outline two practical opportunities to achieve a strong and effective GBF: scale up finance and strengthen business engagement.