Picking up the pieces: tackling littering and fly-tipping in England
Think tank: Bright Blue
Author(s): Patrick Hall; Rebecca Foster; Joshua Mark; Shrishti Kajaria
November 6, 2022
This report from UK think tank Bright Blue looks at how government can play its part in reducing the level of fly-tipping and littering.
Fly-tipping and littering continues to cause economic, environmental and social damage to communities across the country. With fly-tipping incidents rising over the past three years and reports of littering increasing, it is clear that public policy needs to do more in order to tackle this serious problem. The recommendations in this report, and ones previously recommended by Bright Blue, are not exhaustive and will not end fly-tipping and littering. But by acting on these recommendations, government can play its part in reducing the level of fly-tipping and littering, creating a robust policy framework upon which to build on in the future.