
Shock-responsive social protection in fragile and conflict-affected states

Think tank: IIED

Author(s): Ritu Bharadwaj; N. Karthikeyan

July 3, 2023

This report from UK think tank IIED looks at fragile and conflict-affected states and shock-responsive social protection programmes in these states.

Fragile and conflict-affected states (FCAS) are home to nearly 1 billion people, almost double the number from 20 years ago. Shock-responsive social protection programmes in these states can play a critical role in protecting livelihoods, strengthening adaptive capacity and supporting sustainable development. But FCAS have limited fiscal space, resources and tools/technology to implement these schemes at scale and provide comprehensive cover to all vulnerable populations. They need debt relief, climate finance support and financial assistance to increase spending on shock-responsive social protection. In addition, they need support to integrate climate information and early warning and anticipatory approaches into planning and decision making at the local level.