The strategic approach to countering cybercrime (SACC) framework
Think tank: Chatham House
Author(s): Joyce Hakmeh; Jamie Saunders
July 11, 2024
This report from UK think tank Chatham House presents a framework for a strategic approach to countering cybercrime.
Cybercrime is a growing threat to global prosperity and national security around the world. Recent attacks against critical national interests in the US, Costa Rica and Ireland, among others, have shown the serious impact that malicious cyber activity can have.
As the global threat of cybercrime continues to escalate in scale and complexity, both within and across borders, the need for countries to take a collaborative and strategic approach is clear.
Countering cybercrime effectively requires a unified effort, with relevant stakeholders joining forces to assess the scale and nature of the threat, establish priorities, identify the optimal mix of interventions, evaluate the impact of adopted strategies, and adapt responses.
This research paper presents a framework for a strategic approach to countering cybercrime – an adaptable toolkit designed to help national authorities and practitioners to meet the challenge.