Time off: redesigning leave policies to support longer, healthier working lives
Think tank: The Work Foundation
Author(s): Asli Atay Budak; Alice Martin; Aman Navani
June 21, 2024
This report from UK think tank The Work Foundation investigates whether current time-off policies are sufficient to support an older and sicker workforce stay-in work.
Work Foundation analysis shows time off in the UK has become widespread, but access to it unequal.
We found that 1.15 million workers are not eligible for Statutory Sick Pay (SSP) and this disproportionately impacts women, disabled people and young workers.
Our latest report investigates whether current time off policies are sufficient to support an older and sicker workforce stay-in or return to work and challenges the next UK Government and employers on how they can use existing time-off policies and new models to enable workers to live healthier lives.