
Understanding how we can raise attainment in mathematics

Think tank: CEPEO

Author(s): Laura Outhwaite; Jo van Herwegen

June 1, 2022

This report from UK think tank CEPEO looks at some of the challenges relating to raising standards in maths attainment at primary school.

Estimates suggest that children’s maths attainment has been significantly impacted by the disruptions caused by Covid-19, much more so than reading (DfE, 2022). This reflects trends seen in data prior to the pandemic, where a maths-reading attainment gap emerges in the first years of school, with reading skills significantly exceeding those of mathematics (Outhwaite et al., 2022). As part of the recently released Schools White Paper “Opportunity for All”, the UK government are aiming for “90% of primary school children to achieve the expected standard in reading, writing, and maths for Key Stage 2 by 2030” (DfE, 2022). To achieve this goal, the UK government have proposed increased continued professional development for teachers and increased parental involvement. In response, this briefing note summarises the empirical evidence specific to these proposals and some of the challenges relating to raising standards in maths attainment at primary school. This includes understanding and supporting, 1) dyscalculia and mathematical learning difficulties, and 2) the home mathematics environment.