Worth the weight: making London’s deliveries greener and smarter
Think tank: Centre for London
Author(s): Various Authors
November 2, 2021
This report from UK think tank the Centre for London looks at how to create a greener and more efficient freight and logistics ecosystem in London.
This report looks at how to create a greener and more efficient freight and logistics ecosystem in London. Freight and deliveries enable London’s economy to function. From the food we eat and the appliances we buy, to construction materials and COVID-19 vaccines, all the goods we need and many of the services we rely on need to travel across the city. However, the number of freight vehicles and the distance they travel has surged over the last decade as demand for online shopping has increased. This has come at a high cost for the capital, increasing congestion and contributing to carbon emissions and air pollution. With the number of parcels delivered in London expected to double by 2030, this report sets out an ambitious roadmap to make deliveries and freight journeys more sustainable and efficient. It argues that Londoners need to change their behaviour, while businesses, national and local government must also act to turn the tide on an unsustainable system, reducing the number of polluting van and lorry journeys at all stages of the delivery process.