The Centre for Social Justice (CSJ) is an independent think tank that studies the root causes of Britain’s social problems and addresses them by recommending practical, workable policy interventions. The CSJ’s vision is for those living in the poorest and most disadvantaged communities across Britain to be given every opportunity to flourish and reach their full potential.
The CSJ is unique in that it connects the corridors of power with the back streets of Britain through its partnership with the CSJ Foundation. Through our offices across the UK, we work with more than 500 grassroot charities on the frontlines of Britain’s most challenged communities to champion and harness their experience and expertise of addressing poverty as part of our policy development.
Since its inception in 2004, the CSJ has changed the landscape of our political discourse by putting social justice at the heart of British politics. This has led to a transformation in Government thinking and policy. We bring this vision to life by seeking to influence the policies the Government creates and the laws it makes, such that it does all it can to address the root causes of poverty.
These are:
- Family breakdown
- Educational failure
- Worklessness
- Addiction
- Problem debt
- Housing & Community
- Criminal justice
- Modern slavery
The CSJ’s work is widely regarded as the architect of Universal Credit, dramatically improving the welfare system; and inspiring the Modern Slavery Act 2015, one of the first pieces of legislation in the world to address slavery and trafficking in the 21st century.
In 2022, 43% of CSJ recommendations were adopted by government, including the establishment of the Enforcement Conduct Board to regulate bailiffs, a new approach to long-term drugs strategy, a public health approach to domestic abuse, the roll-out of Family Hubs, and the adoption and measurement of severe absence from schools.