Centre for Social Justice

The Centre for Social Justice (CSJ) is an independent think tank that studies the root causes of Britain’s social problems and addresses them by recommending practical, workable policy interventions. The CSJ’s vision is for those living in the poorest and most disadvantaged communities across Britain to be given every opportunity to flourish and reach their full potential.

The CSJ is unique in that it connects the corridors of power with the back streets of Britain through its partnership with the CSJ Foundation.  Through our offices across the UK, we work with more than 500 grassroot charities on the frontlines of Britain’s most challenged communities to champion and harness their experience and expertise of addressing poverty as part of our policy development.

Since its inception in 2004, the CSJ has changed the landscape of our political discourse by putting social justice at the heart of British politics. This has led to a transformation in Government thinking and policy. We bring this vision to life by seeking to influence the policies the Government creates and the laws it makes, such that it does all it can to address the root causes of poverty.

These are:

  • Family breakdown
  • Educational failure
  • Worklessness
  • Addiction
  • Problem debt
  • Housing & Community
  • Criminal justice
  • Modern slavery

The CSJ’s work is widely regarded as the architect of Universal Credit, dramatically improving the welfare system; and inspiring the Modern Slavery Act 2015, one of the first pieces of legislation in the world to address slavery and trafficking in the 21st century.

In 2022, 43% of CSJ recommendations were adopted by government, including the establishment of the Enforcement Conduct Board to regulate bailiffs, a new approach to long-term drugs strategy, a public health approach to domestic abuse, the roll-out of Family Hubs, and the adoption and measurement of severe absence from schools.

Latest reports

Change the prescription

This report from UK think tank the Centre for Social Justice explores what has driven the recent rise in the mental ill-health of our nation. Change the Prescription explores what has driven the recent rise in the mental ill-health of our nation. It contends that the prevailing medical model often fails to address the core...

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Lonely Nation – Part 5

This report from UK think tank the Centre for Social Justice looks at tackling the human and economic costs of Britain's loneliness epidemic. Britain is a lonely nation. The government’s own statistics show that 2023/24 was the loneliest year on record. Polling for the CSJ reveals that nearly six in ten adults feel lonely most,...

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Lonely nation – Part 4

This report from UK think tank the Centre for Social Justice considers how the government can fulfil its ambition to end mass dependence on emergency food parcels. Lonely Nation Part 4 considers how the government can fulfil its ambition to end mass dependence on emergency food parcels. To achieve this, it argues that the government...

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Still ambitious for recovery

This report from UK think tank the Centre for Social Justice looks at how to address illegal drug addiction and strengthen law enforcement’s role. The UK is facing a drug addiction crisis of unprecedented proportions, with drug poisoning deaths reaching a record 5,448 in 2023, marking an 84 per cent increase over the past decade....

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Mind the disability employment gap

This report from UK think tank the Centre for Social Justice calls on the new government to ensure that the needs of disabled and sick people are at the heart of their plans to ‘get Britain working’. In 2021 the Centre for Social Justice published Now is the Time, a landmark report on disability in...

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Lonely Nation Part 3

This report from UK think tank the Centre for Social Justice looks at how to tackle loneliness through the built environment. This report shows how the government can tackle loneliness through the built environment, defined in this report as the man-made structures and features that viewed collectively, form the places in which people live. For...

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At what cost?

This report from UK think tank the Centre for Social Justice explores the impact of forced labour in the UK. Our new report, produced in partnership with Justice and Care, At what cost? Exploring the impact of forced labour in the UK reveals the reality of this type of modern slavery which is rife through...

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School Absence Tracker

This report from UK think tank the Centre for Social Justice offers a termly analysis of official data relating to absence from schools (Spring 2024). Latest government data shows absence from schools now endemic. Severe absence up 12 per cent year from last year, 160 per cent up from pre-pandemic. One in five children remain...

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Just a job?

This report from UK think tank the Centre for Social Justice seeks to shed light on young people’s experiences of precarious work at a national level. A recent focus on the use of zero-hour contracts has resulted in such working arrangements being singled out by the Government as an especially unfair form of employment. Yet,...

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A united nation

This report from UK think tank the Centre for Social Justice looks at how to fix broken Britain and create a united nation. 'A United Nation' addresses the five priority areas identified in the CSJ Social Justice Commission’s recent 'Two Nations' report which laid out an unflinching review into the state of poverty in the...

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Where have all the children gone?

This report from UK think tank the Centre for Social Justice looks at the school absence crisis sweeping Scottlsh schools. When schools reopened in Scotland after subsequent lockdowns, the expectation was that every child would come back to school, ready to re-engage with their education in person. The reality has been very different. New data...

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Lonely nation: ending loneliness among older people

This report from UK think tank the Centre for Justice looks at ending loneliness among older people. Britain is a lonely nation. This report shows that nearly six in 10 adults feel lonely at least some of the time. This equates to 31.4 million people. But older people buck the trend. Just over four in...

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Still collecting dust

This report from UK think tank the Centre for Social Justice looks at ensuring fairness in council tax collection. In 2021, debt advisers and enforcement agencies – convened by the Centre for Social Justice – came together in partnership to create the Enforcement Conduct Board (ECB), a new voluntary oversight body. Since then, the Board...

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Prose not poetry – delivering from day 1

This report from UK think tank the Centre for Social Justice outlines seven policy areas in the new Government’s in-tray that will demand their immediate attention. This report outlines seven policy areas sitting in the new Government’s in-tray that will demand their immediate attention. Some of these are urgent and recent, such as overflowing prisons...

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A new deal for young people in the West Midlands

This report from UK think tank the Centre for Social Justice shows that a new deal is needed to unlock young people's potential and turbo charge the region's prosperity. Young people across Birmingham and the West Midlands, need a new deal for education, employment and skills in order to fully unlock their potential and turbo...

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