Green Alliance

Green Alliance is an independent think tank and charity focused on ambitious leadership for the environment.

Since 1979, we have worked with the most influential leaders in business, NGOs and politics to accelerate political action and create transformative policy for a green and prosperous UK.

Our projects involve in depth research and advocacy, frequently in collaboration with other organisations and interests. Our high profile events and specialist seminars are a forum for dialogue with senior decision makers.

We host the blog Inside Track as a home for comment and opinion on UK environmental policy and politics, from our experts and other leading commentators.

Latest reports

Mission critical

This report from UK think tank Green Alliance proposes five steps to greater energy security through demand reduction and circularity. Energy security is an increasing concern for governments across the world, following Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. But decarbonising power, transport and home heating will reduce reliance on imports of oil and gas and help to...

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Measuring up

This report from UK think tank Green Alliance examines the potential of targets to reduce resource use. Resource use is skyrocketing globally, with extraction of metals, minerals, fuels and bioresources increasing four-fold since 1970, resulting in dire environmental and social impacts. While the outgoing UK government said in 2018 that “we can no longer ignore”...

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A bus revolution: driving up prosperity across the regions

This report from UK think tank Green Alliance outlines a costed 5 year plan to better, greener buses. Buses remain the most used form of transport across the country and provide customers with a low cost and green option for travel. But recent years have seen passenger decline and routes being cut across the country....

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Behind the scenes of the National Food Strategy

This report from UK think tank Green Alliance analyses the strategy’s successes as well as areas where it could have gone better. The 2021 UK National Food Strategy Review took a systems wide approach to analysing problems within the food system. To learn from the formulation of the National Food Strategy we interviewed the central...

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Rethinking the food system for health, climate and nature

This report from UK think tank Green Alliance argues that a data-led approach to improving the food system can be used as a platform for the UK to display global influence. The 2021 UK National Food Strategy Review combined data driven evidence with wide stakeholder engagement to diagnose serious problems caused by the food system,...

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The last use of fossil fuels

This report from UK think tank Green Alliance argues that the government should explore a green carbon mandate for chemicals. Chemicals, plastics and chemical products are everywhere in modern society, and the majority of them are made from fossil fuels as ingredients. There are alternatives, such as recycled plastic wastes, carbon from plants, and captured...

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Changing fashion

This report from UK think tank Green Alliance investigates how reuse is working in the UK for the fashion sector. The landscape of reuse is rapidly evolving, with a noticeable surge in interest from major corporations and a growing openness among the public to embrace second-hand goods, particularly amidst high cost of living. However, despite...

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Climate adaptation in UK homes

This report from UK think tank Green Alliance outlines the need for government to work with energy suppliers, so that residents can be prepared for a changing climate. Climate change impacts are here to stay. From record temperatures and flooding to increased levels of subsidence, worsening air pollution and even the reshaping of our coastlines,...

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Net zero policy tracker

This report from UK think tank Green Alliance monitors the government’s progress towards the goals it set out in the Net Zero Strategy. As the window to take effective action on climate change closes, the next five year parliament will be crucial. Strong leadership is missing across the political spectrum, not just in ambition to...

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The sky’s the limit

This report from UK think tank Green Alliance outlines the potential of ZEF and its importance in reaching a net zero carbon economy. Aviation will be one of the only sectors still emitting carbon in 2050. On current projections, it is unlikely to make any significant decarbonisation progress until the 2040s. The UK government’s current...

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Green shoots

This report from UK think tank Green Alliance calls on the government to set up a programme of semi-funded job placements to allow young people to develop green skills. The net zero transition will create new jobs across all regions of the UK, including between 120,000 and 160,000 entry level jobs. New entrants to the...

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Build up

This report from UK think tank Green Alliance analyses the evidence and solutions that can avoid urban sprawl. With political parties pledging to build 300,000 homes a year, we analyse the evidence and solutions that can avoid urban sprawl.

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Crossing the divide

This report by UK think tank Green Alliance outlines four worldviews on the future of the food system and looks at how new alliances could lead to greater environmental progress. We have outlined four typical worldviews on the future of the food system, often seen at odds, and look at how new alliances between them...

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Profit without loss

This report from UK think tank Green Alliance looks at how conserving resources benefits the economy, businesses and consumers. In this report, we set out to assess the evidence, good or bad, around what it would mean for the UK economy to become more circular from three perspectives: national, business and consumers. Our findings indicate...

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Why the UK should do more to cut methane emissions

This report from UK think tank Green Alliance looks at why the UK should do more to cut methane emissions. Methane, a potent greenhouse gas almost 30 times stronger than CO2, continues to receive little attention from policymakers in the UK. Because it is short-lived in the atmosphere, cutting methane emissions now could rapidly slow...

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