NEF is the leading UK progressive think tank. Our analysis, policy proposals, campaigns, and communications continue to play a key role shaping contemporary political debate. Our reactive, rapid-fire analysis influences live government policy debates, our policy analysis regularly contributes to the manifesto development of multiple UK political parties, and our ideas and campaigns not only frame the public debate, but stretch what is possible. A key factor which separates us from many other UK think tanks is our work on the ground, doing deep, place-based, organising in communities. We use the insights we gain in the process of supporting communities to support their local campaigns and to develop national policy objectives and messages.
Latest reports

Meeting needs within limits
This report from UK think tank NEF looks at the ecological case for universal basic services. Universal basic services (UBS) aims for universal access to life’s essentials within planetary boundaries. Ecological sustainability is built into its purpose and design. It is not a social ‘add-on’, but indispensable for achieving environmental goals. This briefing summarises its proposals,...

Reforming property tax
This report from UK think tank NEF looks at dampening further property speculation in the housing crisis. In conjunction with the Homes for Us alliance of grassroots organisations and campaigners, the New Economics Foundation is developing policies to fix England’s broken housing model. Tax reform is an important tool to do so. It can close...

A fair start for all
This report from UK think tank NEF looks at a universal basic services approach to early childhood education and care. The government’s plan to expand the number of ‘free hours’ of early childhood education and care (ECEC) available to some families means that 80% of the provision being accessed in England by the end of 2024...

A taxing problem
This report from UK think tank NEF looks at reforming business rates in England. The UK’s current business rates system is not fit for purpose – it is unfair, inefficient, and overcentralised. In this paper, we propose a new business rates system that combines a land value and a business property tax. Our proposed system...

“We’re all trying to do one thing: live”
This report from UK think tank NEF looks at the impact of our social security system and how it needs to change, as told by the women who use it. A decade of social security cuts, stagnating wages, and the erosion of public services has left millions of households living in preventable poverty, with little...