Pro Bono Economics

Pro Bono Economics uses analysis and insight drawn from the social sector to help charities, funders, firms and government to collectively tackle the causes and consequences of low personal wellbeing. Our vision is an end to low personal wellbeing in the United Kingdom

Experts and economists at PBE work on a wide range of issues related to wellbeing, including mental health, education, employment, poverty, volunteering and civil society. The charity was founded in 2009 by Andy Haldane, former Chief Economist of the Bank of England, and economist Martin Brookes. PBE is chaired by former Cabinet Secretary Lord Gus O’Donnell.

The services PBE provides to small-to-mid-sized charities help them measure, understand and better articulate their impact, influence and inform policy and make best use of their data. Volunteer economists from across government, regulators and the private sector work in partnership with PBE to provide these services to charities on a pro bono basis. Many of our reports are the result of expert advise and analysis PBE has provided for charities.

Latest reports

Pregnant then blue?

This report from UK think tank Pro Bono Economics highlights the potential of targeted, evidence-based interventions to address maternal mental health effectively. Maternal mental health: Evidence for policy action. The early years of a child’s life are critical but challenging for mothers, with up to 1 in 5 new and expectant mothers experiencing depression. Many...

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Mind, body and connection

This report from UK think tank Pro Bono Economics looks at low wellbeing in the UK in 2024. How is the UK doing? It is a question that is hard to answer. On the one hand, the UK remains one of the richest countries in the world and has enjoyed a prolonged period of peace...

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A feasibility study and preliminary framework for a civil society satellite account

This report from UK think tank Pro Bono Economics investigates the feasibility of creating a satellite account for civil society in the UK. Civil society organisations and the individuals who work and volunteer for them play a critical role in society, fulfilling many functions from service delivery to community building and campaigning. In doing so,...

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Charting a happier course for England’s children

This report from UK think tank Pro Bono Economics makes the case for universal wellbeing measurement. A large coalition of children’s charities, teachers, and parents are calling for the UK government to urgently address the deepening children’s wellbeing crisis by introducing universal wellbeing measurement across England. 25 of the UK’s leading organisations across youth, education...

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Struggling against the tide

This report from UK think tank Pro Bono Economics looks at children's services spending from 2011 - 2023. Council spending on children’s services has now reached a tipping point. For the first time, more was spent on residential care placements than early intervention services. This poses a major challenge for central and local governments, as...

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Mission give

This report from UK think tank Pro Bono Economics looks at the potential of better philanthropy advice. Tens of thousands of charities, and an even greater number of community groups and social enterprises, have spent decades dedicated to getting people into good work, providing opportunities to young people, reducing crime, improving health, and saving the...

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Treatment for the charity sector’s unhealthy status quo

This report from UK think tank Pro Bono Economics looks at the charity sector's unhealthy status quo. Recent riots have put the instability of the UK’s communities in the spotlight. And as night follows day, they have also highlighted the communities’ strengths: the people who freely give their time and money to respond to need,...

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Triple dividend

This report from UK think tank Pro Bono Economics looks at how workplace volunteering can make us happier, healthier and more productive. Employers are struggling to find solutions to boost both their employees’ wellbeing and their productivity, as the UK economy fights to pull itself out of the doldrums. Growth is sluggish at best, and...

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Investing in trusted relationships

This report from UK think tank Pro Bono Economics looks at the economic value of 'Football Beyond Borders' impact on children's wellbeing. PBE research for Football Beyond Borders uses exciting new ways of measuring impact to evaluate the difference a trusted adult can make to the wellbeing of children at greatest risk of exclusion. Children’s...

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The economic benefits of ADIE treatment for autistic people with anxiety

This report from UK think tank Pro Bono Economics explores economic benefits of ADIE treatment for autistic people with anxiety. A new treatment could be effective in helping autistic people recover from GAD. ‘Aligning Dimensions of Interoceptive Experience’ (ADIE) was recently trialled in a study funded by MQ Mental Health Research. The treatment takes a...

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A pro bono bonus

This report from UK think tank Pro Bono Economics looks at the impact of volunteering on wages and productivity. Charities play a vital role in the effective functioning of society, often supporting the most vulnerable groups, including the youngest, the oldest and those with physical and mental health needs. In supporting these groups, charities rely...

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Tethered fortunes

This report from UK think tank Pro Bono Economics looks at the threat to charities from trouble in local government. Across England, local government funding is in disarray. Councils are issuing section 114 notices – indicating unlawful expenditure or their equivalent of bankruptcy – at unprecedented rates. Cuts are following rapidly, with even more looming...

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Early literacy matters: Economic impact and regional disparities in England

This report from UK think tank Pro Bono Economics looks at the economic impact and regional disparities in England of early literacy matters. The early years are the most critical time for the development of a child’s abilities to master language, to read and to communicate. However, with early years settings under pressure and families...

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The economic benefits of LENS treatment for people with anxiety

This report from UK think tank Pro Bono Economics shows the economic benefits of LENS treatment for people with anxiety. Anxiety disorders affect large parts of the population and their impact can be debilitating. Most people experience some symptoms of anxiety in response to stress or danger; however, anxiety becomes a problem when it is...

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Mission purposeful

This report from UK think tank Pro Bono Economics explores what a relationship reset between government and the charity sector might look like under a future Labour government. This work was made possible by a grant from the Charities Aid Foundation. Charities drive the nation’s sense of purpose. The hundreds of thousands of charities, community...

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