Social Market Foundation

The Social Market Foundation (SMF) is a non-partisan think tank. We believe that fair markets, complemented by open public services, increase prosperity and help people to live well. We conduct research and run events looking at a wide range of economic and social policy areas, focusing on economic prosperity, public services and consumer markets. The SMF is resolutely independent, and the range of backgrounds and opinions among our staff, trustees and advisory board reflects this.

Latest reports

Care and learning in higher education

This report from UK think tank the Social Market Foundation looks at how society and universities can support care experienced and estranged students to succeed. There is growing recognition that society’s obligations to care experienced and estranged young people involves getting more of them successfully through higher education. However, the promise of support often doesn't...

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In the blink of an AI

This report from UK think tank the Social Market Foundation outlines the benefits the civil service and public sector can reap by further integrating AI and automation into its user-facing workstreams. Artificial intelligence and automation are ideally suited to do many of the tasks that public servants in user-facing roles currently spend hours managing. This...

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From backwater to battleground

This report from UK think tank the Social Market Foundation examines the political importance of a joined-up immigration and skills policy in the UK. The new Labour government views the perceived dependence of some sectors of the UK economy on overseas workers as unsustainable and contrary to the national interest. Joined-up immigration and skills policy...

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Carefully, compassionately

This report from UK think tank the Social Market Foundation looks at how we can learn from Canadian mistakes to ensure assisted dying can be safe. Objectors to assisted dying policy often cite Canada’s Medical Assistance in Dying (MAID) programme to exemplify the danger of doing so, including concerns about due process and eligibility. The...

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A capital idea?

This report from UK think tank the Social Market Foundation examines a change of approach to helping small firms to increase their investment. SMEs will have a key role in closing the UK’s investment gap with other economies. However, to ensure that SMEs can make such a contribution, a more strategic policy approach towards SME...

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Taking responsibility

This report from UK think tank the Social Market Foundation looks at how the government can improve enforcement of farmed animal welfare laws. Most Britons eat meat, but consumers increasingly care about where it comes from. In this report, we set out to understand how farmed animal welfare standards are enforced, and how that enforcement...

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Things worth knowing

This report from UK think tank the Social Market Foundation looks at the role of assumed knowledge in youth transitions from education to employment. This report examines how access to 'assumed knowledge' - certain unspoken, untaught information that helps them ‘get ahead’ - varies among young people based on socioeconomic background, and the way it...

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Fiscally responsible

This report from UK think tank the Social Market Foundation examines the case for reforming remote gaming duty. Online casino gaming is currently undertaxed by the UK - compared to other sectors and other countries. Ahead of the Autumn Budget 2024, this report makes the case for increasing the tax on online casino gaming, and...

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The fight for trust

This report from UK think tank the Social Market Foundation argues that overcoming falling levels of trust will require rethinking how we understand the concept. Trust in government is at a historic low. In this paper, Steve van Riel argues that overcoming falling levels of trust will require rethinking how we understand the concept. He...

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Out with the bang

This report from UK think tank the Social Market Foundation examines the case for alternatives to traditional fireworks. Fireworks have become part and parcel of British winters and cultural life – but they can cause serious harm to all types of animals. This report outlines how we can minimise the impact of these celebrations on...

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Growing connections

This report from UK think the Social Market Foundation assesses the economic, social and environmental gains that enhancing the UK’s mobile network infrastructure could deliver for the UK. This briefing assesses the economic, social and environmental gains that enhancing the UK’s mobile network infrastructure and ubiquitous 5G mobile connectivity could deliver for the UK, and...

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It’s a fraudster’s world

This report from UK think tank the Social Market Foundation explores the scale, impact, and globally interconnected nature of fraud against consumers. Fraud is a growing problem around the world. This report provides a sense of the scale of fraud across 15 countries, highlights the need for international collaboration to make a meaningful impact on...

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Recovering the lost workforce

This report from UK think tank the Social Market Foundation explores the barriers that people face getting into work and how those barriers might be addressed. This report explores the barriers that people face getting into work, how those barriers might be addressed, and the potential that could be unlocked by doing so. It provides...

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Small business, big world

This report from UK think tank the Social Market Foundation explores ways to boost UK small business exports. Increasing the number of small businesses that export can be a key lever to grow the UK's economic pie. However, the UK’s recent record on small business exporting is not encouraging. This report explores three key ways...

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Running out of road

This report from UK think tank the Social Market Foundation looks at navigating the route to decarbonised business fleets. Electric vehicles are at the forefront of the green transition, improving air quality and promoting cleaner, safer roads, but much of the policy discussion focuses on consumer uptake. This report looks at electric vehicle adoption among...

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