The Constitution Unit conducts timely, rigorous, independent research into constitutional change and the reform of political institutions. Our research has significant real-world impact, informing policy-makers engaged in such changes – both in the United Kingdom and around the world.
Recent projects have included research into public attitudes to the post-Brexit constitution (which included holding a citizens’ assembly on UK democracy), examining how a referendum on Northern Ireland’s constitutional future would best be conducted, options for House of Lords reform, and a summary report with the Institute for Government outlining a ‘menu’ of constitutional reforms.
The Constitution Unit was founded in 1995 to conduct detailed research and planning on constitutional reform in the UK. We continue to fulfil that remit, but also assess the effects of reforms that have taken place, and research constitutional and political arrangements beyond the UK.
The Constitution Unit is led by Director Professor Meg Russell FBA, with Professor Alan Renwick as Deputy Director.