The Foreign Policy Centre (FPC) is an outward-looking, non-partisan international affairs think tank based in the UK. Our mission is to provide an open and accessible space for the ideas, knowledge and experience of experts, academics and activists from across the world, so that their voices can be heard by a global audience of citizens and decision makers in order to find solutions to today’s international challenges.
The FPC takes a global perspective, informed by the values of democracy, human rights, good governance and conflict resolution. To deliver our mission the FPC publishes independent research, holds events and engages with key decision makers and the wider public. We provide an open and accessible space for the exchange of ideas, knowledge and experience, so that the voices of experts and advocates can be heard and acted upon.
We produce a range of publications from standalone reports and essay collections to series of country or thematic briefings, bringing together expert contributions from academics, advocates and activists from across the world. Recent reports include: Can Britain be a ‘force for good’ in Central Asia?; ‘London Calling’: The issue of legal intimidation and SLAPPs against media emanating from the United Kingdom; Dividing Lines: Reimagining Social Division in ‘Divided Societies’; and A ‘Force for Good’?: Examining UK engagement in Fragile and Conflict Affected Countries. Our website is also home to regular articles and briefings from our international network of research fellows and other expert authors. We frequently work in partnership with universities, individual academics or experts as well other organisations and NGOs that share our thematic focuses.
Our active events programme features Westminster seminars on important issues hosted in the UK Houses of Parliament that bring together experts, politicians, advocates and journalists to discuss key foreign policy issues. We also hold conferences (such as our annual UK Anti-SLAPP Conference) and private roundtables, as well as periodically holding seminars in Brussels and at other international forums.
The FPC is led by Director Susan Coughtrie, with Dame Audrey Glover DBE CMG as chair of the board of Trustees.