The Policy Institute

The Policy Institute at King’s College London works to solve society’s challenges with evidence and expertise. We combine the rigour of academia with the agility of a consultancy and the connectedness of a think tank.

Our research draws on many disciplines and methods, making use of the skills, expertise and resources of not only the institute, but the university and its wider network too. The institute’s current research programme spans six areas:

This research is supported through communications, impact and engagement activities. The institute has a strong track record of engaging with the media to promote research findings and stimulate public debate, generating coverage in outlets including the Guardian, the Times, the Independent, the Daily Telegraph, and the Financial Times, and across broadcasters such as the BBC, ITV and Channel 4.

The Policy Institute’s work is enhanced by its network of visiting fellows and professors, including current and former civil servants, politicians, journalists, writers and researchers, who give their time and expertise to the institute and wider King’s community. They are a valuable resource, providing expert advice on research projects, opening up their networks to maximise the impact of our work and strengthening the relationship between academia, policy and practice.

The Policy Institute is led by Professor Bobby Duffy. Prior to joining King’s, Bobby was Managing Director of Public Affairs for Ipsos MORI, which is a team of around 230 researchers in London, Manchester, Edinburgh and Brussels, and Global Director of the Ipsos Social Research Institute, across around 30 countries.

Latest reports

Higher, further or tertiary?

This report from UK think tank The Policy Institute looks at the future of education from across the UK nations. Edited by Professor Alison Wolf, member of the Augar Review of post-18 education, the collection of essays by sector leaders, including current and former university vice-chancellors, looks at how England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland...

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Embracing the “new normal”?

This briefing from UK think The Policy Institute looks at why people largely feel so positive about the shift to hybrid working. As hybrid working becomes a feature of everyday life for so many people post-pandemic, the Policy Institute and King's Business School carried out a representative survey of 2,030 London workers aged 16+, between...

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Free to be flexible?

This briefing from UK think tank The Policy Institute looks at the working-from-home revolution and the fierce debate it has created. The working-from-home revolution kickstarted by the pandemic remains highly politicised and fiercely debated, with disputes over what this shift means for productivity and the economy, and over who should have a say in where...

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Truth under attack?

This briefing from UK think tank The Policy Institute looks at belief in terrorism conspiracy theories among the UK public. 80% of the UK public accept that serious terrorist attacks, such as the Manchester Arena bombing and the 7/7 attacks, have taken place in the UK in recent years – but this includes 61% who...

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Public perceptions on institutions tackling climate change

This briefing from UK think tank The Policy Institute reviews the role of science in policy decision-making and when people should trust expert opinion. People in the UK are least likely to think that the government is motivated by improving the lives of future generations, and the lives of people like them, when it comes...

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The state of free speech in UK universities

This briefing from UK think tank the Policy Institute looks at what students and the public think about free speech in UK universities. There is strong agreement among students that their university is protecting freedom of expression and robust debate, as well as academic freedom – but growing minorities nonetheless feel free speech is under...

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