Policy area: Financial policy


Byte-sized budgeting

This report from UK think tank Reform sets out a new model for funding digital services in government. The Government has vowed to make the State “more like a start up”, investing in teams which will use a “test and learn” culture to improve public services. And with an ambitious set of Missions to deliver,...

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Back from the brink

This report from UK think tank Reform argues that only a whole-system approach can deliver a sustainable path forward. Local authorities are not just administrators of public services. They are crucial agents of social and economic stability within their communities. However, their ability to fulfil this role has been severely compromised. Local government in England...

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Fixing the foundations: A communities strategy for Britain

This report from UK think tank Power to Change explores community cohesion, empowerment and growth in response to the riots across the UK this summer. Torn social fabric lay behind disorder this summer. The government’s communities policy must move from responding to crisis to consistency. We know community cohesion is back on the agenda for...

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How to set up a public body

This report from UK think tank the Institute for Government sets out how government can set up public bodies better. As government priorities change, particularly after a general election, there is often a need to set up new institutions to deliver on those priorities. Public bodies can be well placed to do this. If set...

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Closing the climate finance gap

This report from UK think tank Chatham House explores the challenges of increasing climate finance to emerging markets and developing countries. With climate impacts getting worse and temperature records being broken, the pressure on countries to raise more money in support of climate action continues to increase. But the ‘climate finance gap’ – the difference...

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Austerity postponed? The impact of Labour’s first budget on public services

This report from UK think tank the Institute for Government examines the impact of Labour's first budget on public services. The outgoing Conservative government left public services in a precarious state. Waiting lists in the NHS are stubbornly high, councils are on the verge of bankruptcy, backlogs in the criminal courts are at record levels...

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European common debt

This report from UK think tank the Centre for European Reform presents an analysis of EU defence bonds, their benefits and feasibility. European security is under threat and Europeans are trying to strengthen their defences. However, addressing long-standing gaps in military capabilities will require time, a sustained fiscal effort, and enhanced co-ordination. Constraints on national...

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Budget briefing: The age of the super-state

This report from UK think tank the Centre for Policy Studies discusses the age of the super-state. New analysis from the Centre for Policy Studies shows that, as a result of changes announced in this week’s Budget, state spending is set to increase to an astonishing £1.5 trillion by 2029/30. The briefing paper argues that...

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More, more, more

This report from UK think tank the Resolution Foundation puts the autumn budget 2024 decisions on tax, spending and borrowing into context. This has been the most anticipated Budget of modern times. It had to wrestle with profound – and sometimes conflicting – challenges: fixing the strained public services; repairing failing public services; and breaking...

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Youth work and prevention

This report from UK think tank the Institute for Government recommends a range of steps that government can take to make youth work more accessible and sustainable. Youth work is proven to have positive outcomes for young people in the short term – including improved mental health, educational attainment, and reduced crime and antisocial behaviour....

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Capital losses: Why increasing CGT will deter investment, slow growth and reduce revenue

This report from UK think tank the Centre for Policy Studies highlights the damage that will be done to the economy if the Chancellor uses next week’s Budget to hike capital gains tax (CGT). Despite raising relatively little revenue for the Treasury (1.5% of all revenue), CGT is an incredibly distortive and complex tax, paid...

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How can the OBR improve the way it judges the supply-side effects of policy?

This report from UK think tank the Institute for Government sets out how the OBR has done this in the past, how its approach has evolved in recent years, and how it could be strengthened further. The government has made economic growth one of its five missions. But this will not be realised quickly: easing...

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How strategic collaboration on the bioeconomy can boost climate and nature action

This report from UK think tank Chatham House examines the potential for international coordination on bio-based innovations. Sustainable bioeconomies can play a significant role in the transition to low-carbon emitting economies that conserve and protect nature, but a lack of cooperation and coordination is obstructing potential progress. A collaborative approach that considers the trade-offs of...

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Farewell Non-Doms

This report from UK think tank the Adam Smith Institute looks at how non-dom reforms can damage Britain’s finances. A new paper from the Adam Smith Institute (ASI), entitled Farewell Non-Doms: How Non-Dom reforms can damage Britain's finances, reveals the economic cost of scrapping the non-dom status. Its research suggests that if this policy was...

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Low capital gains tax is not a sensible way to support entrepreneurs

This report from UK think tank IPPR argues that raising Capital Gains Tax is the fairest way to generate revenue for fixing our public services. Raising Capital Gains Tax in the upcoming budget is the fairest way to generate revenue for fixing our public services. It won’t affect working people, nor will it discourage entrepreneurship,...

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Related Events

12 February 2025

Location: Adam Smith Institute, 23 Great Smith Street, London SW1P 3DJ

Think tank: Adam Smith Institute

Attracting foreign direct investment

At this event hosted by UK think tank the Adam Smith Institute and Lord Harrington will discuss the intersection between domestic and international economics. Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) is the international purchase of assets. Capital from other countries gets invested by multinational corporations and high-net-worth individuals into Britain, as they look to do business here....