The EU, NATO and European security in a time of war
Think tank: Centre for European Reform
Author(s): Ian Bond; Luigi Scazzieri
August 5, 2022
This report from UK think tank the Centre for European Reform looks at a new political and military reality in Europe.
Vladimir Putin’s invasion of Ukraine has established a new political and military reality in Europe. But the continent faces other challenges in the Western Balkans, the Middle East and Africa. Meanwhile, China poses increasing problems for the EU and NATO. This new Centre for European Reform (CER) policy brief ‘The EU, NATO and European security in a time of war’, by CER foreign policy director, Ian Bond, and senior research fellow, Luigi Scazzieri, considers that challenge, analysing the roles the EU and NATO play in ensuring European security, and exploring the potential for co-operation between the two. NATO’s Strategic Concept confirms the alliance’s revival, and sharply orients it on deterrence and defence against Russia. At the same time, the conflict in Ukraine has underscored the EU’s central role in European security. The EU Strategic Compass, released just after the start of the conflict, makes clear that the EU’s efforts will focus on countering economic and hybrid threats, fostering co-operation in developing military capabilities, and encouraging member-states’ military forces to work together better. The EU and NATO can both contribute when it comes to strengthening partners, stabilising neighbouring countries and developing military capabilities. The two must draw the right lessons from the war in Ukraine and act accordingly.