Education Policy Institute

Education can have a transformative effect on the life chances of young people, enabling them to fulfill their potential, have successful careers, and grasp opportunities. As well as having a positive impact on the individual, good quality education and child wellbeing also promotes economic productivity and a cohesive society.

Too many children, presently, don’t get the education and support they need to make the most of their lives. The evidence of the gaps that exist is set out each year in our research on education in England.

Identifying and promoting good education policy is therefore crucial. But the policy debate is often occupied by contradictory views, which can be based on personal experience, anecdote, and political instinct. There is an urgent need for objective, impartial, and independent research that can influence and inform the education debate – rigorous research which is grounded in evidence.

The Education Policy Institute (EPI) seeks to fill this space.

Founded in 2016, EPI works to improve education outcomes for all children and young people, regardless of their social background. Its data-driven research and analysis sheds light on whether current policy is delivering a high quality, equitable education system and identifies issues in need of policy attention.

EPI’s research considers a range of education policy areas- from the early years through to higher education, via the school workforce, funding and accountability. It has led the way in several crucial areas in education policy, building up understanding and generating new insights in areas such as educational equity, school system reform, access to good school places, education funding, the teacher labour market, and children and young people’s wellbeing.

EPI’s research achieves credibility with audiences from across the political spectrum- its work is frequently mentioned in the House of Commons by Members of all parties and drawn on by Parliamentary Select Committees and All-Party Parliamentary Groups. Working with policymakers is central to ensuring EPI’s research is able to have a positive impact on the outcomes of young people.

Some of our most influential findings include:

  • At age 16, disadvantaged pupils are on average over a year and a half behind their more affluent peers on school attainment. 40 per cent of this gap is evident at age 5.
  • There is an implicit bias in Ofsted judgements, against schools serving large proportions of disadvantaged pupils
  • Access to high performing schools has become more geographically unequal since 2010. In 20 per cent of local areas, pupils have no access to a high-performing schools within a reasonable travel distance
  • There is little difference in the performance of academy chains and local authorities: we found that type of school- academy or local authority- is less important than benig in a high performing school group- with both school types at the very top of our performance tables, and at the very bottom.
  • Grammar schools have no impact on overall standards in England and large densities of grammar school places can have a negative effect on the pupils who miss out on a place
  • The state of the teaching workforce should be concerning to government, with acute shortages of highly-qualified teachers in priority subject and the most disadvantaged areas

Latest reports

Children missing from education

This report from UK think tank the Education Policy Institute looks at the estimates, trends and characteristics of children missing from education. A new report by the Education Policy Institute finds that up to 300,000 children may be missing from education entirely.

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A quantitative analysis of T level access and progression

This report from UK think tank the Education Policy Institute examines student access and outcomes for T levels and the T level transition programme (TLTP. The new report by the Education Policy Institute examines student access and outcomes for T levels and the T level transition programme (TLTP, soon to be renamed the T level...

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Progression at age 16 of young people from underrepresented backgrounds towards careers in STEM

This report from UK think tank the Education Policy Institute examines why some groups of students are less likely to pursue STEM subjects post-16. A new report by the Education Policy Institute (EPI) and the Centre for Youth and Education (CfEY), supported by Mission 44, highlights the need for targeted efforts to increase post-16 participation...

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Reading the data

This report from UK think tank the Education Policy Institute looks at what quantitative analyses can tell us about the national impacts of the phonics screening check. A new report published by the Education Policy Institute (EPI) examines the impact of the national phonics screening check (PSC) on early reading development in primary schools across...

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A longer school day: the attainment benefits of an extra hour a week

This report from UK think the Education Policy Institute explores the relationship between time in school and attainment outcomes at the end of primary and secondary school. This new report published by the Education Policy Institute, funded by the Law Family Educational Trust, finds a modest positive association between the time pupils spend in school...

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Closing the forgotten gap: implementing a 16-19 student premium

This report from UK think tank the Education Policy Institute calls for a 16-19 student premium to tackle the sizeable attainment gap facing disadvantaged 16–19-year-olds. Our new report, supported by Unbound Philanthropy, calls for a 16-19 student premium to tackle the sizeable attainment gap facing disadvantaged 16–19-year-olds. Building on recent research by EPI which has...

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Annual Report 2024

This report from UK think tank the Education Policy Institute looks at the state of education in England, with a focus on the attainment gap. The Education Policy Institute (EPI) Annual Report looks at the state of education in England, with a focus on the attainment gap between disadvantaged pupils and their peers. EPI’s 2024...

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General Election 2024: An analysis of manifesto pledges for education

This report from UK think tank the Education Policy Institute assesses the main parties' commitment to addressing the biggest challenges facing education in England. Ahead of the general election on 4th July, the Education Policy Institute (EPI), funded by the Nuffield Foundation, has published an analysis of the plans for education set out in the...

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The features of effective school groups

This report from UK think tank the Education Policy Institute discusses the features of effective school groups. This report brings together findings from our interactive benchmarking tool, which compares the performance of individual academy trusts, local authorities, federations and dioceses across four key performance indicators, along with results from our Decisions in Education in England...

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School funding model: Effect of falling school rolls

This report from UK think tank the Education Policy Institute analyses the impact of potential funding policy decisions on individual schools and areas of the country. This report is the first to use EPI’s new school funding model, which replicates the Department for Education’s own national funding formula (NFF) and allows us to analyse the...

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Unexplained school transfers and managed moves: Local protocols, practice and outcomes for pupils

This report from UK think tank the Education Policy Institute examines the prevalence of school moves and the protocols that local authorities have in place to govern them This report examines the prevalence of school moves, including managed moves, their impact on pupils, and the protocols that local authorities have in place to govern them.

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Measuring the outcomes of different pupil groups using Star Assessments 2022/23

This report from UK think tank the Education Policy Institute measures learning loss during the pandemic and outcomes for disadvantaged pupils. This fourth and final report in a series produced by EPI and Renaissance builds on recent analysis from EPI and Renaissance measuring learning loss during the pandemic and outcomes for disadvantaged pupils. Our previous...

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Outcomes for young people who experience multiple suspensions

This report from UK think tank the Education Policy Institute examines the relationship between the number of suspensions from school and pupil outcomes. In this report, we examine the relationship between the number of suspensions, or temporary removals from school, in secondary school and outcomes for pupils in England. We studied a cohort of 585,827...

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Measuring the outcomes of disadvantaged pupils using Star Assessments 2022/23

This report from UK think tank the Education Policy Institute measures the outcomes of disadvantaged pupils using Star Assessments 2022/23. This new report produced by EPI and Renaissance includes analysis based on outcomes for pupils in years 3 to 9, drawn from over six million assessments in Renaissance’s Star Reading and Star Maths from 2017/18...

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An evidence review into the length of the school day

This report from UK think tank the Education Policy Institute explores how much time pupils spend in school in England and the potential impacts of increasing this time. In the 2022 white paper ‘Opportunity for all: strong schools with great teachers for your child’, the government set out an expectation that all state-funded mainstream schools...

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Upcoming events

24 February 2025

Location: Online

Think tank: Education Policy Institute

What can we learn from the PIAAC adult skills survey to inform post-16 policy in England?

This event from UK think tank the Education Policy Institute will look at what we can learn from the PIAAC adult skills survey to inform post-16 policy in England. The OECD’s Programme for the International Assessment of Adult Competencies (PIAAC) aims to measure the skills needed by adults to participate in society and for economies to prosper....