National Institute of Economic and Social Research (NIESR)

The National Institute of Economic and Social Research (NIESR) is Britain’s longest established independent research institute, founded in 1938 by a group of major social and economic reformers including John Maynard Keynes and William Beveridge.  It is independent of all party-political interests with no core funding from government or other sources.

With a focus around understanding the economic and social issues that most affect people’s lives, and proposing better policy responses, its macroeconomic and public policy research is structured around eight core themes. Areas covered include the scope for active monetary and fiscal policies, the macroeconomics of climate change, productivity, regional regeneration, destitution, education and skills. 

This, together with its long-standing reputation for accurate, authoritative analysis of the economic and social developments in the UK means it brings together an array of policymakers, academics, the media, and other research institutes. As such, it plays a pivotal role in both national and international policy debates.

Latest reports

PFI: Getting the bill on the fiscal credit card

This report from UK think tank the National Institute of Economic and Social Research Private Finance explores the use and impact of PFI. Initiative (PFI) continues to have a legacy in the public sector, with repayment costs being 3.3 times larger on average than the value of the infrastructure they built. The report explores the...

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Subdued growth in a challenging fiscal landscape

This report from UK think tank National Institute of Economic and Social Research examines subdued growth in a challenging fiscal landscape. Despite a strong start for economic growth in the first half of the year, we anticipate that UK GDP growth is likely to remain around its trend rate of 1 per cent over 2024...

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Response to the Autumn 2024 Budget

This report from UK think tank the National Institute of Economic and Social Research discusses their response to the Autumn 2024 Budget. This is a landmark Budget, the first to be delivered by a Labour government for 14 years, that that sets the tone for fiscal policy over the course of this Parliament. There are...

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The aspiration for public investment

This report from UK think tank the NIESR recommends targeted public investment projects in key areas such as housing, transport connectivity, education and skills. Analysis of the UK finds that, over the last five years, the gap in living standards between the prosperous parts of the United Kingdom and poorer areas has widened, and productivity...

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A pre-election gloom

This report from UK think tank NIESR provides a quarterly economic forecast of the UK economy. Continued anaemic UK GDP trend growth, at about 1 per cent, together with inflation coming back to target, means that the winner of the next general election will have to raise taxes to maintain the existing provision of public...

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Productivity and investment: time to manage the project of renewal

This report from UK think tank the National Institute of Economic and Social Research aims to address the policy question of how to raise UK investment. This report aims to address the policy question of how to raise UK investment in order to meet the long-standing challenge of a slowing in productivity growth. The paper...

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UK households should start feeling better off as election looms

This report from UK think tank NIESR looks at the UK economic outlook. A combination of lower inflation and sustained wage growth should mean that UK households start to feel better off in the course of 2024. Living standards are projected to rise by around 1.5 per cent on average over the next two years....

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Response to the Autumn Statement 2023

This short briefing from UK think tank the National Institute of Economic and Social Research provides a response to the Autumn Statement. The Chancellor delivered his Autumn Statement against a background of sluggish growth and above target inflation. NIESR continues to maintain that fiscal policy ought not to be guided by arbitrary fiscal rules but,...

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UK Economic Outlook (Autumn 2023)

This report from UK think tank the National Institute of Economic and Social Research calls for renewed public investment. The latest quarterly forecast from the National Institute of Economic and Social Research calls for renewed public investment, rather than tax-cuts, ahead of the forthcoming Autumn Statement and next year’s General Election. Flatlining productivity and sluggish...

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UK heading towards five years of lost economic growth

This report from UK think tank NIESR provides a quarterly economic forecast of the UK economy. Despite continuing to expect the United Kingdom to steer clear of a recession in 2023, GDP is projected to grow barely by 0.4 per cent this year and by 0.3 per cent in 2024, with the outlook remaining highly...

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The economic and social impacts of lifting work restrictions on people seeking asylum

This report from UK think tank NIESR looks at the impact of restrictions on the UK economy, government spending and the individuals. The UK imposes some of the strongest set of restrictions on the right to work for people applying for asylum compared to other European nations. This research from the National Institute of Economic...

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UK economy beset by sluggish growth and high inflation

This report from UK think tank NIESR provides a quarterly economic forecast of the UK economy. This quarterly economic forecast of the UK economy, from the National Institute of Economic and Social Research, predicts that sluggish growth and high inflation will continue to beset the IK economy. Because of these persistent problems it identifies that...

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Reindustrialising the United Kingdom

This report from UK think tank NIESR looks at the UK's lagging productivity growth since the 2008-2009 financial crisis. The UK’s lagging productivity growth since the 2008-2009 Global Financial Crisis, together with a renewed focus on ‘Levelling Up’ to address regional inequalities and rebalance the economy has led to calls for the UK to reindustrialise....

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The fiscal costs and benefits of problem gambling: towards better estimates

This report from UK think tank NIESR looks at the fiscal benefits and costs of gambling. This report, from the National Institute of Economic and Social Research, examines the fiscal benefits and costs of gambling. It finds the cost to the Exchequer that is associated with people experiencing ‘problem gambling’ amounts to at least £3,700...

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Upcoming events

26 February 2025

Location: National Institute of Social and Economic Research, 2 Dean Trench Street, Smith Square, London SW1P 3HE

Think tank: National Institute of Economic and Social Research (NIESR)

Dow Lecture with Swati Dhingra

This event hosted by UK think tank the National Institute of Social and Economic Research will feature the Dow Lecture with Swati Dhingra. For the 2025 Dow Lecture, we will be hosting External MPC Member and LSE Associate Professor Swati Dhingra. About the Speaker  Dr. Dhingra has been an external member of the Bank of...