The Resolution Foundation is an independent think-tank focused on improving the living standards of those on low-to-middle incomes. There are eight million low-to-middle income families in the UK, including twelve million adults and nearly seven million children. We work across a wide range of economic and social policy, combining our core purpose with a commitment to analytical rigour.
The Foundation’s established work programme includes incomes and inequality; jobs, skills and pay; housing, wealth and debt; tax and welfare; public finances and the economy. More recently, it has added work streams on trade, net zero and productivity, as well as covering these issues through both an intergenerational and cities lens.
Since 2018, we have calculated the real Living Wage – a voluntary hourly pay rate that is based on what families need to get by.
Since 2021 the Resolution Foundation has collaborated with the Centre for Economic Performance at the London School of Economics on The Economy 2030 Inquiry. The Inquiry has brought together leaders from business, academia and policy making, in both the UK and US, to both diagnose the causes of the UK’s poor economic performance in recent decades, and to set out a new economic strategy for the 2020s. The project will deliver a policy-rich strategy to aims to boost growth and living standards throughout the UK, and confront the major economic issues Britain faces, including demographic and technological change, and the country’s net zero transition.