We are a think tank and charity, independent of government and political parties. By bringing together experts from all backgrounds, we conceive ambitious and informed ideas which secure political commitments to improve our democracy and economy. Our work brings together a breadth of expertise and aims to improve the political education of the nation and the accountability and transparency of our politicians.
We provide platforms for debate, opportunities for people to make their voices heard and agenda-setting research. Through non-party political campaigning, we aim to create a Wales with a strong, confident democracy and a successful, clean and fair economy, enabling the country’s civic sphere to grow and strengthen. Our priorities mean that people in Wales have access to open and inclusive spaces for debate and discussion, are able to play their part in shaping a bright future, and feel real-life benefits from new ideas which will help make Wales better for all.
We also publish Wales’ longest standing current affairs magazine in English, the welsh agenda.
The IWA is funded by our members, income from our events and training sessions, and supported by trusts, foundations and other funding bodies. We are a proud signatory to the Zero Racism Wales pledge, a Living Wage employer and hold NCVO Trusted Charity Mark Level One.
Our vision is to create a Wales where everyone can thrive.